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Florida Elks News Editor:
Rachael King
Entire contents copyright 2023 by the
Florida State Elks Association Inc.
P.O. Box 49
Umatilla, FL 32784-0049

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On Nov. 10, members of New Port Richey Elks Lodge #2284 packed and distributed food for schoolchildren in need and for a veterans’ recovery home. The lodge purchased the food with its Elks National Foundation Freedom Grant.

Pictured are Becky Soto, Lodge Secretary; Bob Mohrle, Lecturing Knight; and Margaret Smith, Loyal Knight.


708 trin

On Dec. 9, Tampa Lodge donated $1,000 from its charity funds to Holy Trinity Lutheran School in south Tampa, Florida, to purchase library books for the fourth and fifth grade students. Presenting the check are Rita Smith, Leading Knight, and Suzanne Moore, Lecturing Knight. Moore brought this need to the lodge’s attention as she is a teacher's assistant at the school. Accepting the check are Sue McColgan, librarian and art instructor, and Kelly Reilly, principal.


708 Speaker Shelagh

On Nov. 18, Tampa Lodge’s Club Chivalry sponsored an “on-campus” field trip in conjunction with the Great American Teach-In, previously known as Career Day. Every school in the district holds it on the same day and invites community members to discuss their careers with students. The club offered breakfast before students explored career opportunities by visiting booths in the gym. There were about 20 tables set up with various employees, including a barista, a lawyer, active-duty military, college recruiters, EMTs and more. Afterward, guests, mostly lodge members, spoke about their careers. Patty Volpe, Youth Activities Chair, discussed how she arrived at her career at CCS Medical, a diabetic supply company. Shelagh Gombarcik, PER talked about careers in the hospitality industry. Betty Orcutt, PLP told them about her route into nursing. Edie Hanley, Inner Guard, interested them in a career in the prison system, especially the possibility of early retirement. The group then had lunch followed by team-building activities. Pictured is Shelagh Gombarcik, PER.


708 chiv nov

Tampa Lodge’s Elks National Foundation Impact Grant project, Club Chivalry, met Nov. 9; the guest speaker was lodge member Roshaun Gendrett, who was an educator in California and who is now running for school board. He spoke about what students need to succeed in school and he explained the role of the school board. He was well-received by the students. Club T-shirts were also given to the students at no charge to them. On Nov. 10, the club took a field trip to Kaiser University.


708 balloons

      708 oct Preisdent Andrea presents a 10 dunkin card to the game winner.   708 October winner George Daniel and Xavier Oliver copy

On Oct. 11, Tampa Lodge was welcomed back on the Robinson High School campus to assist with the lodge-sponsored Club Chivalry. There were 49 students in attendance despite a program rehearsal held at the same time. At the beginning of the meeting, students were called for refreshments by grade and they could sign up for their T-shirts. Then lodge member Rita Smith spoke about the Elks lodge and their history at Robinson and told the students about two great community service opportunities in the neighborhood. Club president, Andrea, then explained the rules of the team-building game, which involved popping balloons while wearing mittens (some participants pictured).

Pictured are the game’s winner receiving a $10 Dunkin gift card from Andrea, club president.

Also pictured is October’s $25 gift card drawing, George Daniel, along with Xavier Oliver.


708 packing

        708 Westshore Elementary Secretary Katherine Patteson and Tampa Elks DAP chair and Trusteed Tommy Moore 003  708 Lanier Secretary Kaydee Wurst Tampa Elks DAP Chair and Trustee Tommy Moore and Principals Secretary Lisa Henry at DAP supply drop off. 003

On Oct. 7, Tampa Lodge members sorted and stuffed drug awareness bags for the two elementary schools that agreed to distribute Elks Drug Awareness Program materials to their students. Drug Awareness Lodge Chair, Tommy Moore, delivered the supplies Oct. 18 to Westshore Elementary and Lanier Elementary. Both schools are Title 1 and were glad to have the supplies in advance of Red Ribbon Week. 

Pictured packing bags are Lorraine Leung; Sharon Ford; Tristin Reiber; Joe LoCicero, Leading Knight; Bonnie Atwood, Melissa Bertoch, Esquire; and Tommy Moore, trustee and Drug Awareness Lodge Chair. Taking the picture is Rita Smith.

Also pictured are Katherine Patteson, Westshore Elementary secretary, and Kaydee Wurst, Lanier secretary, and Lisa Henry, the principal’s secretary, receiving the bags from Moore.