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Elks News Center

Members all,

The Florida State Elks Association is pleased to officially announce that the Florida Elks News (FEN) is being brought in house at the FSEA administrative offices which will now be responsible for its content and production starting with the spring 2017 issue. A shift in management usually leads to change and we are pleased to announce a very positive and exciting change!

FENMAG Cover Draft smThe newspaper layout is being changed to a full color 48-page magazine format to be published quarterly. The new format will allow us to address certain interest categories that our members indicated they would like to see. A survey of over 600 members earlier this year revealed that they are interested in more lodge charitable and civic news, help in better managing their lodges, more info on our state’s major projects, thought provoking articles, and an improved format. The magazine will be able to address all of these and more.

Rachael King is the Editor of the magazine and will be working directly with lodges and district reporters on article submissions and content.

We encourage you to review the new article and photo submission guidelines found on the menu links. 

These are certainly exciting times, and the FSEA staff looks forward to working closely with you to produce a first-class publication. Together we can do great things!