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It’s time for the Local Lodge Website Contest!

The Fraternal Committee of the Grand Lodge awards Local Lodges who keep their Members informed and active in Grand Lodge Programs and local communities’ projects through a Local Lodge website or Facebook page.

Florida also conducts a state contest and then submits the state winners to compete for the Grand Lodge awards. The state will award either a Three-star, Four-star or Five-star award to each entry.

Lodges may submit a Website (Independent or Virtual) or a Facebook page.
Yes, there will be a separate category for facebook/virtual sites.😊

Judging is based on the following:

  • Content (news of Grand Lodge Programs, news of State and Local programs)
  • Layout (menu or table of contents, accessibility of committees and readability)

  • Design (special presentation methods)

  • Graphics (pop up or scrolling messages, etc., overall continuity of site, use of photographs or graphics); and telling the Elks story.

These five points will receive 1-20 points each.

Winners submitted by the state to the Grand Lodge contest will have their Website or Facebook page accessed three times during the year by the Grand Lodge website contest administrator.

To compete in the State Website or Facebook page contest the following information must be submitted at no later than September 23, 2024.

State winners will be announced by September 30, 2024 which is the date on which the state must submit its winners to the Grand Lodge Contest.

Good luck to all!

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Thank you to all 2024 participating lodges!