It's All About FLOE

Dear Florida Ladies of Elks,

I would like to introduce myself to your Ladies Organization. My name is Laura Sardella, I was recently installed as the FLOE President. This year the Board and I wish to let all our Ladies Organizations know how important they are and to make sure we all support one another.

To help with this, FLOE is going to send regular emails out to assist with improving communication. If any Ladies Member would like to receive an email you can email me with contact information, and I will add them to the distribution. We have a new Facebook Group, Florida Ladies of Elks, which is to help our ladies across the state to connect and promote events. FLOE webpage is being updated to include information presented during the FLOE Conference Workshop on fundraising ideas and new helpful links. There are presentations and helpful tools for reporting and membership pamphlets

I wanted to thank everyone who attended the 59th Annual FLOE Conference. I hope everyone had an enjoyable time. We had great attendance at our Friday Workshops and record numbers at our Saturday Business Meeting.

Pictures which Laz took all weekend are available on our website ( ) and a large number have been posted to the Florida Ladies of Elks Facebook page. Take some time and review the pictures and save the pictures that you are in! We are working to develop our updated website which I hope everyone will like the changes.

The year ahead will be filled with challenges. Challenges are hurdles to overcome and they provide an opportunity for us to identify areas where we can improve. Everything we do is completed by Volunteers who have donated their time to assist in every role. Vice President Pauline Talbott and I have met with our senior leadership and have devised an action plan to address any issues. Thank you all for your patience and support.

I am encouraging everyone to support one another and attend events as you can! I am willing to visit Lodges with Ladies Organizations and your events if you would like me to attend. Just reach out to me and I will do my best to support!

I hope this year we can all work together with and strengthen and promote our Ladies Organizations! Consider attending a FLOE meeting at FSEA Mid-Year, FSEA Quarterly, FSEA Convention and our September Conference! Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns that you have.

Very Respectfully,


Sardella Rocket Pin 250pxLaura Sardella
FLOE President 2022-2023
Ladies of the Island Elks, Past President
Merritt Island, FL