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Florida Elks News Editor:
Rachael King
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Florida State Elks Association Inc.
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          221 Deb and rachel with homemade blankets  221 Colleen and Rae handing out Advance My Baby books

221 suzi  221 Volunteers and members with SP Suzi and Elroy

On Feb. 12, Jacksonville Lodge held its third annual military baby shower, benefitting 20 local expectant women who were either serving in the military or married to active military members. Deborah Reedy, PER, event organizer, noted, “With so many military installations in the Jacksonville area, and for the dedication the military provides for us all, it only made sense to help those military members in need.” Each of the 20 women were provided $225 worth of baby products from the Elks National Foundation (ENF) Gratitude and Spotlight grants, totaling $4,500. Reedy explained, “Two years ago when this project started, we received a $1,500 Anniversary Grant from the ENF. It was a good start. Last year it was a larger amount and this year larger still. Plus, several of our lodge members donated products on their own, like disposable diapers and baby wipes from our diaper drive.” Reedy and one of the lodge’s newest members, Rachel Ledoux, each donated hand-crocheted baby blankets. Ledoux then kept her skeins of yarn rolling, producing 20 pairs of baby booties and 20 baby beanie caps, which were donated. Frances Fowler, wife of member Jerry Fowler, handmade 40 burp cloths and bibs, so each mother received two sets. William Watson III, PER and his wife, Shawna, donated and prepared a continental breakfast for the families and guests. Other lodge members secured donations of food and beverages from local supermarkets that were given out to the women to share with their family as they went home.

The 20 recipients were selected through the help of the local Blue Star Families organization. Many of the women were nominated by their commanding officer or command ombudsman; they could sign up on their own as well. All are prescreened and their selection was based on need. Blue Star Families and the Elks are a perfect partnering because Blue Star Families serves as the liaison, advocate and catalyst to connect military families with civilian individuals and civilian organization to help build a stronger, well-supported community.

The shower was the same date as the Northeast District visit by Florida Elks State President, Suzi Simonelli. This attracted not only a large contingent of local Elks members but members from district lodges as well to the shower. State President Simonelli led a round of baby trivia, where expectant mothers tested their baby knowledge for prizes of hand-crocheted baby blankets. Also addressing the mothers-to-be were Wendy Layton of Blue Star Families and Colleen Gallant, Florida Elks Children’s Therapy Services (FECTS) Director. Rae Montgomery, FECTS physical therapist, was introduced as well. Gallant provided each mother with a copy of “Advance My Baby,” a book written by FECTS therapists Paula Tarver and Jeanne Martin. Blue Star Families had a table for the mothers and kids attending to choose more books, promoting literacy in the community.

The baby shower committee included Kathy Glass, Carole Shapley, Susan Kelly, Cathy Rowand, Carmel Reed, Deborah Reedy, Rachel Ledoux, Robin Pipkins, Carla Rhymes, Shannon Graham, Sarah Schllesinger and Betsy Bryant.

Pictured are Deborah Reedy, PER and Rachel Ledoux showing off a handmade blanket, Colleen Gallant and Rae Montgomery handing out books, State President Suzi Simonelli leading a round of trivia, and members and volunteers pictured outside the lodge.