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Florida Elks News Editor:
Rachael King
Entire contents copyright 2023 by the
Florida State Elks Association Inc.
P.O. Box 49
Umatilla, FL 32784-0049

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       221 tri 1 221 tri 2

Jacksonville Elks Lodge #221 was contacted by Carley Stepien of Wheelchairs 4 Kids in October to help obtain a therapy tricycle for a 5-year-old Jonas from the Jacksonville area, who has cerebral palsy. It was not covered by medical insurance and his family could not afford it. By early December, a total of $2,920 was collected to pay for the tricycle in full. Donations came from Jacksonville, Orange Park, Gainesville, St. Augustine and Green Cove Springs lodges as well as personal donations from members. Lodge members Mark Thompson and Brent Reedy assembled the tricycle. On Dec. 20, Jacksonville Lodge held a small reception for the family to present the tricycle to Jonas. The Dillhyon family was so grateful for this gift. Rae Montgomery, physical therapist from Florida Elks Childrens Therapy Services, was there to show Jonas and his family how to use the tricycle and to explain its functions.

Pictured in the back row are Bill Dillhyon, father; Pat Harris, donor; Jerry (last name unavailable), Orange Park Lodge member; John Pipkins; Donnie Rowand, donor; and Brent Reedy, donor. In the second row are Cathy Rowand, donor; FECTS Rae Montgomery, PT; David Graham, Exalted Ruler and donor; and Kathy Glass. Down front: in the front row are Katie, sister; Jonas; and Amanda, mother. Also pictured is Jonas using the tricycle with direction from Rae Montgomery, PT.


1241 party 1 1241 party 2 1241 party 3

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On Dec. 16, Sanford Lodge hosted its third annual Christmas for Kids event, with more than 100 children in attendance and 300 people in total. Local kids and their families enjoyed a pizza lunch, hot cocoa bar, crafts, cookie decorating, and a visit from Santa and Mrs. Claus. The children also received goody bags with a $10 Chic-Fil-A gift card. Members took photos of the event and portraits of the children with Santa, which were available to the families for free through their website. This event is budgeted through the lodge and members also donated funds for the event.

Pictured are Santa and Mrs. Claus receiving a warm welcome from a child, lodge members who worked the event, kids decorating cookies, Santa and Mrs. Claus showing off the drawings and ornaments made for them by the kids, the cookie decorating station, and an overall photo of the event.


1511 Aticus

The Bradenton 1511 Elks Riders chapter held three fundraising events to support its annual brain-injured child (BIC) project. This year’s recipient was Atticus Jimenez, a 3-year-old diagnosed with gastroschisis (excess brain fluid) and CNS sarcoma, a bone and soft tissue tumor. A lottery board raffle Oct. 30 raised $2,200. A combined poker run/meat bingo/silent auction Nov. 18 raised $3,000. On Nov. 21, a gift card raffle added $2,500. With a $1,000 donation from the Nov. 12 lodge golf tournament, the total given to the family was $8,700.

Pictured from the top left are Rod and Becky Rodenberry, lodge members; Tonio, father; Zaxton, brother; Lindsay, mother; and Atticus. 


2734 walk

On Dec. 1, Manasota Elks Lodge #2734 donated 158 T-shirts for Abel Elementary School’s third annual Color Splash Walk-a-Thon on campus. It is the school’s largest fundraiser and the donations are used for learning gains, parties and celebrations of student growth. The event raised approximately $17,000, which will be used for parties to celebrate the students going above and beyond in their learning.

Pictured covered in brightly colored dust are fifth grade teacher Marry Dalton and her students enjoying popsicles after participating in the walk-a-thon.


2383 hall

2383 parents 2383 gifts

On Dec. 17, the Brandon Ladies of Elks and lodge members hosted a Christmas pajama party for Family Forever, an organization that finds forever homes for children in foster care. At this time, the organization has around 2,000 children in need of homes. Approximately 200 people attended this event, including foster parents and more than 100 children. There were snowball fights, a hot chocolate bar and a delicious meal for the children. Each child received a shopping bag to go around to tables to select Christmas items, toiletries, socks, pajamas and blankets, supplied by Family Forever. There was also a station for the children to secretly select gifts for their parents, which were wrapped by Brandon Lodge and Ladies member, Charlene Hart, and her friend. Each child had a visit with Santa (Elk James Lair) and picked out a toy from the Walgreens annual gift drive. The event was put on by Past Lady President Terri Ciesla, chair; 15 Ladies and lodge volunteers; and helpers from Family Forever. The Brandon Ladies of Elks raised $1,838.49 from Bunco Nights to support the event and purchase gifts. In addition, lodge members chose children's names from wish list cards and donated gifts for specific children. The lodge also donated $1,100 from its charity account for gifts for an additional 29 children. Ciesla said the day was truly "Christmas. This is what Elks do…we help children.”

Pictured are guests in the hall, the parents’ gifts station, and Mary Lou Scribner, PER and Charlene Hart.


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On Dec. 2, Green Cove Springs Elks Lodge #1892 continued its partnership with the City of Green Cove Springs by providing gift bags to the children who visit Santa's Workshop during the Christmas on Walnut Street festivities. The bags were packed Nov. 18 by 27 members and volunteers, and 21 members and volunteers gave out 371 gift bags to children of all ages. The items were purchased using Elks National Foundation Beacon Grant matching funds from the Harry-Anna Trust Fund. Growing Healthy Smiles pediatric dentistry also gave out more than 500 toothbrushes.

Pictured are members and guests packing gift bags; the Orvosh family receiving a gift bag; Santa and a guest with elf Joy Elrod, Loyal Knight; and members and volunteers preparing to give out gift bags. Also pictured are Cathy Sanders, chaplain; Kristine Watson, trustee; Lynn Elrod, Exalted Ruler; and trustees Greg Hughson, PDD and Laquetta Willimon greeting the Pierce family.