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Florida Elks News Editor:
Rachael King
Entire contents copyright 2023 by the
Florida State Elks Association Inc.
P.O. Box 49
Umatilla, FL 32784-0049

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2714 teen

On Feb. 19, Sebastian Lodge hosted its 19th annual car and motorcycle show under the direction of event chair, Dan Talbott, Leading Knight. There were 217 registered cars, trucks and motorcycles and more than 1,500 spectators. More than 50 volunteers assisted with the planning and event-day activities. The event raised more than $7,300. Of this, $2,835.49 was donated to the Parade of Heroes, and the rest is for the lodge’s local charities. Elroy the Elk gave out coloring books and red ribbons to promote the Drug Awareness program. The Indian River County Sheriff's Department displayed the breast cancer awareness car and the teen driver challenge car. The Sebastian Police Department COPE Unit brought its trailer and provided all attendees with as much popcorn and sno-cones as they wanted, at no charge to them. During the show, children were given ballots and were made official judges to pick their favorite show entry for the Kids’ Choice award. The lodge also received numerous membership applications.

Elroy the Elk (Mike Schodlbauer, PDD) is pictured with members of the Indian River County Sheriff’s Department Teen Driver Challenge.


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During the district State President’s visit Feb. 25, Port Orange Elks Lodge #2723 donated a new computer system with a large monitor and a multi-function printer, fax machine and scanner along with some extra ink cartridges for the library at the Emory L. Bennett Veterans Nursing Home in Daytona Beach, Florida. This donation was purchased using $1,272.20 of the Elks National Foundation Gratitude Grant. The remaining balance of  $1,227.80 from the $5,000 grant was donated in the form of a check to their activities account.

Pictured are Joe Cooper, Vice President at Large; Allie Cooper; Denise Smith; Russ Smith, endorsed Vice President at Large; Tiffiany Conner, nursing home activity director; and Gerald Peterson, PER, Elks Representative to the Emory L. Bennett Veterans Nursing Home.


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On Feb. 16, 15 Sebring Elks Lodge members showed that the Elks not only give money but also participate in community activities when possible. Twice a month, Hands for Homeless in Avon Park, Florida, has a program called Feeding Tampa Bay. The volunteers’ day started at 8:15 a.m. and for the next two and a half hours they prepared a staging area, unloaded a truck and sorted food into boxes, which will feed a family of four for approximately one week. Local farmers west of Sebring and many local stores donate food each time. Food consisted of fresh produce, breads, milk or other drinks, meats, and desserts. The cars began lining up early to receive these donations from the drive-thru setup. By 9:30 a.m., the first boxes were placed in vehicle trunks and by 11 a.m., the last car pulled away. Based on a family of four and 250 cars, the program feeds 1,000 people twice a month through this drive-thru. Hands for Homeless volunteers also delivered 50 boxes by van to those in need who have no transportation. Using state association matching funds, Sebring Lodge also presented them a check for $800, since this program costs $800 each time it is provided.

Pictured in front are Sheryl Teachout, Mary Brainard, Tim Quaranta, Brenda Richards, Diane Morse and Pat Lantagne. In the back are Ed Kwasnick, Gwen Clark, Ken Wheeler, Ronna Mason, Ed Sebastian, Tina Schneider, Ken Lantagne, Jean Sebastian and Ron Schilffarth.


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On Feb. 12, officers and members of St. Petersburg Lodge participated in a polar plunge in support of the 2023 Unmasking Autism Gala. Lodge members made donations at this event of $1,000, which was given to Florida Elks Children’s Therapy Services. The water temperature was approximately 62 degrees.

Pictured preparing to take the plunge into the lodge pool are members Rick Marks, trustee; Brian Haverfield, Loyal Knight; Dan Masi, PER, Exalted Ruler; and Patrick Mulligan as well as Heidi Green, Leading Knight.


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On Jan. 24, Orlando Elks Lodge #1079 hosted a stop along the eight-day Brotherhood Ride’s route. Each year, first responders make a bicycle ride throughout Florida to honor the state’s first responders who died in the line of duty the previous year. Orlando Lodge hosted the event to honor fallen officer Deputy Craig Seijos and Field Service Officer David Grassi of the Orange County Sheriff’s Office. During the event, the lodge donated $1,000 each to their widows, Ida Seijos and Nancy Grassi. The lodge also donated $1,000 to the Brotherhood Ride organization. The lodge provided dinner, refreshments, entertainment, breakfast and lodging for all the cyclists and guests. Larry Lockwood, Leading Knight, chaired the event. He is a retired lieutenant with the Orange County Sheriff’s Office. Carmen Rivera, lodge trustee and Master Deputy with the Orange County Sheriff’s Office, said, “All in all, this is a wonderful event but it’s also a very sad one. Our Leading Knight, Larry Lockwood, and I both worked with Deputy Craig Seijos for many years and he was definitely a great guy, hard worker, and a good family man. This Brotherhood Ride is just a reminder that we will never forget the brave men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice of giving their life in the line of duty.”

Pictured are members Diane Collen, Carmen Rivera, Betty Mocher, Ralph Bemos, Millie Dewitt, and Robert Dewitt; Major Marilu Santana, Orange County Sheriff’s Office liaison to the deceased’s family; Larry Lockwood, Leading Knight, event chair; Ida Sejios and her daughter, Jessica Sejios; and members Barbara Lockwood, Gail Stewart, and Cristina Adkins. Pictured serving meals are Cheryl Melvin, Diane Collen, Cherry Marshal, Diane Politi, Barbara Lockwood, Josse Havens, Millie Dewitt and Gail Stewart. Ida Seijos is at the right.


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Brandon Elks Lodge #2383, in collaboration with the Brandon Ladies of Elks (BLOE), presented 100 gift bags to James A. Haley Veterans Hospital (JAHVH). Donna Manusco-Fultz, BLOE member, chairs this annual event for the Brandon Ladies and says she is passionate about it because her father was cared for in JAHVH before he passed. She solicits donations and volunteers, purchases items for the gift bags, and ensures they are put together and ready for delivery. Robin Rutzke, Lodge Veterans Chair, worked with Manusco-Fultz and the Ladies to put together the 100 gift bags for delivery. Both Lodge and Ladies members packed the bags. Each bag had approximately $50 worth of items in them. Eighty-five of the bags contained gifts for men and 15 bags contained gifts for women. The items were purchased using $1,000 of the Elks National Foundation Freedom Grant and an anonymous donation of $2,000 made by an Elk member and widow of an Elk. More than $300 worth of items were also donated by members and Ladies. Each bag contained a $20 Patriot Coupon Book purchased with the anonymous donation. Patients can use the coupons to purchase items in the hospital’s canteen store, cafeteria, Starbucks and barbershop. On Jan. 23, Sharon Hammersla, PDD, lodge grants coordinator, delivered the gift bags to JAHVH for the veterans in the Spinal Cord Injury Center and Polytrauma. Excess bags were donated to the recreational therapy department at the hospital.

Pictured are Donna Manusco-Fultz, Ladies event chair, and Robin Rutzke, Lodge Veterans Chair; Ladies with the gift bag items; and Sharon Hammersla, PDD, center, delivering the gift bags to two JAHVH representatives.