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Florida Elks News Editor:
Rachael King
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Florida State Elks Association Inc.
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Florida Elks News Online

1872 VFW

Florida Keys Elks Lodge #1872 donated $650 to the Upper Keys VFW Post 10211 for their building project. The VFW has currently been just a dingy bar, but their new commander, Dennis Ward, who is also an Elks member, has taken over a building project to add rooms for therapy, classes and yoga so it will no longer just be a bar. The reopening is scheduled for Nov. 10.

Dennis Tarbell, Florida Keys Lodge Exalted Ruler, presents a $650 donation to Dennis Ward, Commander of the Upper Keys VFW Post 10211, for their building project.


2378 fish

On Oct. 17, Englewood Elks Lodge presented a donation of $500 to Fish’n for Heroes Wounded Warriors Inc. This organization takes veterans on a fishing trip; afterward, the veterans are taken to a restaurant where the fish they caught is prepared for them. The lodge’s donation covers four veterans and a helper. This donation was possible in part from the lodge’s Elks National Foundation Anniversary Grant with additional ongoing fundraising to support veterans projects.

John Dichazi, Englewood Lodge Exalted Ruler; James O’Brien, President of Fish’n for Heroes; Debbie O’Brien, Treasurer of Fish’n for Heroes; and Paul Colicci, Veterans Committee Chairman, take part in Englewood Elks’ donation presentation to Fish’n for Heroes Oct. 17.


2817 shoebox

Viera Elks Lodge #2817 presented a donation of $2,745 to Operation Shoebox, a central Florida organization which embraces a practical mission of providing hands-on support for troops deployed overseas. The volunteers gather personal comfort items for deployed military members and mail “shoeboxes” overseas of treats to make them feel remembered. Operation Shoebox has delivered over one million boxes and 50,000 stockings to the troops. The lodge’s members have been donating personal items for quite a while, but during their recent visit to the facility in Belleview, Fla., to deliver those items, they learned that the most immediate need is for money to ship the boxes. The lodge decided to donate funds to them instead and reached out to other lodges in the Southeast Central District and raised $2,745. The lodge will continue their support and will encourage the district to do the same for this worthy organization.

Viera Lodge Leading Knight, Vinny Traviglia; Secretary, Patti Traviglia; Esquire, Chris Ferris; and Exalted Ruler, Wendy Carns, present a check for $2,745 to Operation Shoebox volunteer, Helen.


2378 tv

On Oct. 1, Englewood Elks Lodge’s Exalted Ruler, John Dichazi, and Veterans Committee chairman and co-chairman, Paul Colicci and Joyce Sousa, visited four area veterans nursing facilities to deliver new 43"-televisions for the common rooms. Packages for each facility containing socks, hats, puzzles, games and books were also donated. This program to enrich the lives of area veterans was funded in part by the lodge’s Elks National Foundation Anniversary Grant.

John Dichazi, Englewood Lodge Exalted Ruler; Pauline Harris, 100-year-old veteran; Joyce Sousa and Paul Colicci, Veterans Committee co-chairman and chairman; and Jenny Kennaner, Springs of South Biscayne assistant director, take part in Englewood Lodge’s television presentation to one of four veterans nursing facilities Oct. 1.


2159 kits

Members of the Largo Lodge Veterans Committee recently delivered the 11th welcome-home kit to the C.W. Bill Young VAMC. The kits are designed for veterans leaving the VA to live independently in their own residence and include small appliances, kitchen utensils, towels, bathroom accessories, bedding, paper products, lamps, dishes and any other items that might be necessary to set up a household. Some items are purchased and some are donated by lodge members. This project is supported by the National Elks Veterans Service.

Jeanne Reinhart, PDD delivers a welcome-home kit from Largo Lodge to C.W. Bill Young VAMC in St. Petersburg, Fla. Nathan Witt, Chief of Voluntary Service at the VAMC, accepts the donation.


On Aug. 11, 140 people celebrated veterans at a special dinner and dance. Veterans were treated to a free dinner and a goody bag consisting of a t-shirt and hat. The dinner was catered by Dickies BarBQue and entertainment was provided by Lynn’s Spins.


Jennifer, an Army wife who was advised of the Army of Hope by the Florida Army National Guard, reached out to the program because her family is experiencing a hardship. She is the mother of Daphne, three, and Sophia, 12. Her husband is currently on deployment in Kuwait. as Jennifer explains, “Sophia was born with a chromosomal anomaly which presents many difficulties for her including severe learning disabilities, low muscle tone and the growing potential for seizures as she matures. She also has dyspraxia, a lifelong neurological condition which imparts her executive functioning, coordination, balance, and abilities to read, write and count, among many other things. Lastly, she has moderate autism. As she has grown into her preteens, life is changing to us as we accommodate her in different and more challenging ways.”

Her husband, Chief Warrant Officer Todd Slaughter, has been deployed to the Special Operations Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve in Kuwait since January 2018. “His absence at home has made raising Sophia very challenging. She cannot ever be left alone and does not engage in typical activities such as sleepovers, childcare, etc. Our days are always spent together.”

Recently, Jennifer and Todd decided to take Sophia out of public school. Though she was given a vast amount of accommodations, the system was still unable to provide a curriculum for her that worked and that she could access. Sophia even had a one-to-one aid throughout her school day, but it was not enough. This past year, in fourth grade, her abilities regressed back to that of a first-grader. It broke their hearts to see her falling so far behind her peers. She became of the age where social interaction was challenging. She was bullied and called stupid and weird. In her last meeting with her school teachers, she was met with frustration on their side as they felt she was in the wrong place with the wrong children. Sitting across the table from them, she felt helpless.

District Army of Hope Chairman, Spike Jones, referred Jennifer to PDD Jim Lamb who interviewed her. He shared her story with Florida Elks Children’s Therapy Services therapist Margo Baker to see if she could help. In a week, Sophia was approved and is now receiving therapy from Baker. At the same time, requested financial assistance from the Army of Hope to help them get caught up on some bills. The Army of Hope wrote a check for $1,500. Lamb received a phone call from Todd in Kuwait thanking him and all Elks for their help.


Lake City Elks Lodge #893 reports that the local VA hospital’s adaptive golf tournament is off to a good start. The lodge donated $600 to help kick off this program. Crafts continue to be popular at the local VA Domiciliary and a field trip is being planned to visit Jacksonville Zoo. Board games donated by the lodge and community are a great source of entertainment for the domiciliary residents as well.


West Palm Beach Elks Lodge #1352 recently hosted Quilts of Valor. A local quilting guild, Quilts by the Sea, awarded 16 veterans, including three members of the lodge – ER Ed Morey, PER Herb Loreti and Bob Josefsberg – Quilts of Valor, comforting and healing quilts to cover service members and veterans touched by war. The lodge also hosted blind veterans from the West Palm Beach Veterans Administration Medical Center for karaoke.


Jupiter Elks have been working tirelessly with Home Depot employee volunteers to fix up the lodge building with new interior and exterior paint, new baseboards, chair railing, and ceiling tiles all made possible through a $19,700 grant from the Home Depot Foundation for the work that the Elks do for veterans. Jupiter has also sent dozens of handwritten letters to military personnel in Syria along with gift cards, and they continue to serve dinners to veterans, their families and caregivers every quarter at the Renewal Coalition, a local nonprofit that assists wounded service members and their families in their transition from military to civilian life or back to active duty.


1898 blankets

Pompano Beach Lodge donated crocheted lap blankets to veterans. Pictured are Pompano Beach member Elise Ochipa, PER Marty Truss and SSE VP Frank Sellers.


2165 vets

Winter Garden Elks Lodge #2165 used the Elks National Foundation Gratitude Grant to serve 100 veterans, family and staff a barbecue lunch at the VA center. The lodge gave them all t-shirts that say, “Winter Garden Elks Love our Vets.” They also gave out goodie bags with various items and provided karaoke for them.