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Carl's Corner
Carl T. Seibert
COO / State Secretary

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Carl's Corner

Sustaining Donors, Leadership for a New Year, and a Fond Farewell!

Summer 2024

For the last nine years I have had the privilege of assisting in the development and support of our sustaining donor program for our Harry-Anna Trust Fund. That’s right, our first sustaining donation was received Aug. 14, 2015. Since then, it has proven to be a very popular way to donate, and as a funding source, it continues to grow.

A sustaining donor is one who gives monthly to Harry-Anna, typically through a recurring credit card charge or an auto draft from a checking or savings account. We still even have a few donors who choose to mail a check to us each month. The beauty of a sustaining donation is that it is usually a small amount and is therefore relatively painless to give, often the price of a couple of cups of specialty coffee each month. To borrow a phrase from an oft heard informercial — “set it and forget it!”