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Accident Prevention

It has come to my attention that some Lodges may have exposures related to docks and various areas related to the use of boats.

The Master Liability Program specifically excludes coverage on any owned boat propelled by engines of any type or by sail and any rowing boats over 18 feet in length. The Lodge is covered for claims arising out of non-owned water crafts under 52 feet in length (there is no coverage for any owner of any boat).

If the Lodge has a dock or mooring facility, regardless of whether or not the spaces are rented or provided free, the Lodge should purchase an appropriate marine docking liability policy to protect the Lodge from any claims arising out of the use of such facilities presented by owners of moored boats or any other third parties. Such a policy must cover docks, mooring and other facilities used to enable launching or maintenance.

Lodges with such an exposure should also make sure that the Lodge’s Workers’ Compensation policy (obtained locally) includes appropriate endorsements that provide coverage and defense under Federal or state laws for work related claims arising out of allegations of injury in maritime or dock circumstances.

It should also be noted that the Property Plus Program does not provide flood coverage on docks or marinas, nor does it provide coverage for any “storm surge.” Lodges can try to obtain outside/independent coverage on an all risk marina form that would cover floods and storm surges. Lodges can contact Aon to get a quote for such coverage at 1-800-421-3557 or contact someone locally.