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Accident Prevention

In recent months, there has been an inordinate number of claims involving stairs.

While most of these claims involve contributory negligence on the part of the claimant, others involve elderly patrons. It is important for every Lodge to remember that secondary medical payments are no longer available (effective April 1, 2011), which means the Self-Insured Master Liability Program will deny most of these claims.

To properly defend the Lodge from such claims, each Lodge should make sure that all stairs are in good condition, including skid strips and handrails. In addition, stairs that do not conform to required standards should be blocked off when possible with appropriate signs and directions posted. When a situation involves feeble or disabled persons, proper supervision and/or assistance should be considered (warn people to watch where they step).

The same advice also applies to outside stairs. Warning signs and mats should be used when weather conditions cause wet walking surfaces.