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Accident Prevention

As suggested in the Accident/Claim Prevention Manual (Page 6, Section C), every Lodge should have a plan in the event of a property loss or equipment malfunction.

f at all possible, Lodges should have a service contract with reputable contractors such as plumbers, electricians, heating and cooling, etc. Such arrangements can usually be made at no cost with the provision that the contractor will obtain all necessary work orders and will be available in a timely fashion for any emergencies. However, it is imperative that these contractors provide a certificate of insurance on a yearly basis that names the Lodge as additional insured.

Such service contracts should also provide the Lodge with indemnification against the contractor’s negligence. When a property loss occurs, the Lodge must immediately report the property claim to a member of the Elks Team at Aon Affinity Services (1-800-421-3557). After compiling a brief description of the loss, the property claim will be directed to Gallagher Bassett Services for review. One of our claims adjusters at Gallagher Bassett will in turn work with the Lodge and the Elks Team at Aon to guide the Lodge through the claim process. In all cases, the Lodges must make every effort to minimize damages and protect exposed property.