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Accident Prevention

When individuals or entities use the Lodge for events, such as weddings, parties, etc., appropriate procedures should be followed to protect the Lodge from claims arising out of such use. Please refer to Pages 10-11 of the Liability Insurance Program booklet, which indicate the need for individuals or entities using the Lodge facilities to provide a signed indemnity form and evidence of insurance that names the Lodge as additional insured (those individuals or entities in need of a special event policy can contact a local agent or Aon Affinity Services at 1-800-421-3557 for more information on how to obtain such coverage).

Many Lodges also conduct events such as car shows, flea markets and other events where groups of people or organizations are allowed to use the Lodge facilities or participate in some sort of an event held by the Lodge. Lodges are also conducting events involving individual participation, such as sporting events or other forms of activity. Some Lodges also offer facilities that accommodate RVs and trailers. Pages 13 and 14 of the Liability Insurance Program booklet indicate the need for those participating in such events or using the Lodge facilities to sign release forms that should include parental consent when necessary.