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Accident Prevention

Here are some reminders regarding this coverage:

  • No coverage is provided under the Master Liability Program. The Master Liability Program does not, under any circumstances, cover a claim made by an employee of the Lodge. Therefore, every Lodge must obtain valid Workers’ Compensation coverage in the state of its location. It is strongly recommended that all Lodges obtain a minimum premium policy, even if the Lodge has no regular employees. This is recommended because, if any employee makes a claim (even a frivolous claim), the Lodge will have to defend itself at its own expense unless Workers’ Compensation coverage has been obtained.
  • Volunteer coverage may be available
  • In some states, volunteer coverage can be obtained at very little additional cost when a Lodge obtains a
  • Workers’ Compensation policy. If such coverage is obtained, any volunteer injured while working for the
  • Lodge will receive payment for all medical bills and other benefits for the injury as determined by the specific state. Since this varies from state to state, this matter must be reviewed by each individual Lodge.
  • Do not report Workers’ Compensation claims to Gallagher Bassett When a Lodge employee is injured, this incident MUST NOT be reported to Gallagher Bassett. The claim MUST BE reported to the Lodge’s Workers’ Compensation carrier. Reporting this type of incident to Gallagher Bassett confuses the issue and may result in state violations for not reporting to the Lodge’s own Workers’ Compensation carrier in a timely fashion.
  • O.S.H.A. inspections

To comply with an unlikely O.S.H.A. inspection, each Lodge should maintain the employee’s first report of injury and other data: a log indicating the name of the injured party with the accident/reporting and dates and an indication of the type of injury. These should be available for any O.S.H.A. inspector.